Die Abgottschlange (Boa constrictor), auch Königsschlange, Königsboa oder Abgottboa genannt, ist eine von Kolumbien bis ins südliche Südamerika verbreitete Art der Boas (Boidae).

V současnosti je známo několik jednotlivých poddruhů, které se liší zbarvením a velikostí.
These Risk Assessment models have been further explored by Western Australia Department of Agriculture & Food (DAFWA) to confirm that they reasonably predict public safety, establishment and pest risks across a full range of exotic species and risk levels. Summary: Models for assessing the risk that exotic vertebrates could establish in Australia have been developed for mammals, birds (Bomford 2003 Bomford 2006, 2008), reptiles and amphibians (Bomford 2006, 2008 Bomford et al. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. Page, Amanda Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam, July 2008, Stoat ( Mustela erminea) risk assessment for Australia. Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2023) Species profile: Boa constrictor imperator. Cuar�n PhD President SACB� - Servicios Ambientales, Conservaci�n Biol�gica y Educaci�n Mexico Review: Expert review underway: Alfredo D. Grana Raffucci, Technical Advisor, \r\r\nPuerto Rico Department of Natural & Environmental Resources & IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 957–963, 1999.Ĭompiler: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), Felix A. Boa constrictor, an introduced predator threatening the endemic fauna on Cozumel Island, Mexico. Martinez-Morales, Miguel Angel & Alfredo D. Recent Occurrence and Dietary Habits of Boa constrictor on Aruba, Dutch West Indies. An Ecological Risk Assessment of Nonnative Boas and Pythons as Potentially Invasive Species in the United States. Principal source: The Reptile Database, 2007. In addition, island males have considerably longer tails than those of the mainland boas (Boback, 2005 Quick et al, 2005). Island boas tend to have longer, more narrow heads occupying large eyes. They differ in appearance depending on whether they live on mainland or island. This subspecies also includes a number of isolated dwarf populations which are also being exploited by the pet trade. Some individuals have prominent dark markings on the tail. Naturally, they show a characteristic pattern of some 30 brown or reddish dorsal patches or \"saddles\" on a lighter background, although the pet industry have developed a variety of \"morphs\" with a number of different colorations and patterns, including albinos. Boa constrictor imperator is ranked as one of the largest species of snake in the world due to its maximum growth potential being between 4 and 5 meters in length.

Adult females are larger than adult males. While neonates range from 18-22 inches long, adult Boa may measure more than 30 feet.